Loyalty Program

As with regular casinos, online casinos offer reward or loyalty programs. The rationale behind such programs is to acknowledge players the more times they gamble. Some online casinos over cash back benefits while others may offer other prizes

Generally, most casinos do provide a "cash back" incentive that is included in their specific loyalty program. However, there are certain casinos, such as 32Red, who only offer an invite-only program. In a cash back program, for every bet that is made, the player will accumulate a certain amount of points.

These points can then be redeemed at a certain level (generally at the 1,000 point mark). While this may be viewed as a small amount, keep in mind that points are accumulated for every bet placed, not on the amount. These points can add up rather quickly! Additionally, each casino offers different points depending on which game you choose to play.

Tiered Program

You will find that many casinos use a tiered loyalty program. This program means that the more you gamble the more rewards you receive. Make note that these types of tiered programs tend to benefit someone who is a constant player. If you are a casual better, you may find yourself only reaping the benefits a few times.

If you are a loyal, dedicated player, there is no limit to how many incentives you can continuously receive. Always check with the casino to inquire what specific loyalty programs they offer. Many casinos will also post this information on their web sites.

Casinos Offer Promotions

The majority of casinos also offer all players monthly, weekly, or daily promotions. Always check the "Promotions" page to find these specific offers. If you are considered a loyal player, there are also a multitude of reward programs for you, as well.